Short CV
Anna Panteli is a Marie Curie Early Stage Researcher at the Centre for Process Systems Engineering in the Department of Chemical Engineering at Imperial College London. Her research project is “Biorenewable value chain optimization with multi-layered value chains and advanced analytics” and is funded by the FP7 Marie Curie project, RENESENG (Renewable Systems Engineering). She obtained a Diploma in Chemical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece in April 2014. During her study, she had attended the “Process Engineering” direction and her diploma thesis work was in the course “Process Analysis and Plant Design”. Her research interests are in the area of process systems engineering in biorefining systems, including mathematical modeling for biomass-to-biobased products supply chain design and optimisation.
The focus of this PhD project is the development of optimisation tools to support strategies for the screening and evaluation of biomass-to-biobased chemical production routes for the planning and design of advanced biorefineries. The research aims to analyse the impact of large-scale integration (including process-to-process and industrial clusters exchange and considering the energy conversion at the site scale level and CO2 emissions) on supply chains, develop biorenewable supply chain components and metrics taking into account uncertainties (e.g. technical, economic), produce strategic decision roadmaps for a chosen domain specific portfolio of feedstocks, chemistries, technologies and business models as well as undertake regional biorenewable value chain case studies for recommending solutions to the biorefinery design problems.
Current Status
A mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model is being developed in order to formulate the integration of a technology superstructure with a lignocellulosic supply chain model for biorefining systems. Currently, the model has been applied to an Organosolv-based biorefinery in a European country (Hungary) and has been solved in GAMS. In particular, the model represents a multi-period, multi-feedstock and multi-echelon supply chain model, aiming at determining the configuration of the biomass network to supply a biorefinery with the necessary biomass, maximising the overall profit of the system, fulfilling targeted regional bioproduct demand over the entire planning horizon. The formulation of the model includes spatially-explicit features in order to capture the geographical availability of biomass crops and transportation links. The model enables the identification of the optimal size and location of biorefineries, storage and cultivation sites in a specific geographical context, the optimal feedstock mix supplied to the selected plants as well as the optimal logistics.
Future 6-months Plan
The main future plan for the next 6 months is to increase the superstructure model within the supply chain for more biobased products (e.g. ethanol, itaconic acid) and screen the main key performance indicator (objective function-profit). Another future target is the submission of the first two deliverables. In particular, the first deliverable (D3.1) is about the platform for the selection of feedstocks, overall process structures and product portfolios considering integration of paths and technologies, together with solution algorithms for the conversion chain problem and the second deliverable (D3.2) includes a report of metrics essential to model the bioenergy supply chain as well as optimisation models and reports of the trade-off between economics, processing technology and supply lines.
Planned secondments:
• Academic secondment 1: DTU (3 months) Appropriate integration of factors that affect sustainable design of biorefineries and use of biorenewables
• Academic secondment 2: NTUA (3 months) Integration of thermo-chemical paths with biochemical paths into supply chain model
• Industrial secondment 1: CIMV (2 months) Data collection, model validation, understanding of real-world practices, etc.
Publications - Conferences
An optimisation model for supporting investment decisions in biorefineries: a European case study. International Energy Workshop, Abu Dhabi, 2015.
Technology superstructure models for decision making in biorefineries. 12th International Symposium on Process Systems Engineering (PSE2015) and 25th European Symposium on Computer Aided Process Engineering (ESCAPE25), Copenhagen, 2015, [738], pp. 98.
Fellow ESR 3.1 |
Host institution Imperial - PhD enrolment: Y |
Duration 36 months |
Start date M12 |
Project title : Biorenewable value chain optimization with multi-layered value chains and advanced analytics. Work packages : WP2, WP3, WP4, WP5, WP6. Supervisor name: Prof. N. Shah or someone with the same level of expertise and /or experience. |
- To analyse the impact of large-scale integration (including process-to-process and industrial clusters exchange and considering the energy conversion at the site scale level and CO2 operations in waste) on supply chains
- To develop biorenewable supply chain components and metrics taking into account uncertainties
- To produce strategic decision roadmaps for a chosen domain specific portfolio of feedstocks, chemistries, technologies and business models as suggested in WP5.
- To undertake regional biorenewable value chain case studies for recommending solutions
Tasks and methodology:
- Optimization of supply chains under uncertainties in technology and markets : Literature survey based activity to review, analyse the state of the art
- High-level planning and roadmapping : Model formulation of supply chain model in AIMMSTM platform
- Prototype production, and transport logistics framework for validation studies : Data collection and scenario generation for a chosen domain specific portfolio as suggested in WP5
Results: Deliverable 1: PhD Transfer report ? Literature survey and proposed model formulation, Deliverable 2: Final model formulation with case studies |
Dissemination: Conferences: PSE 2015/ESCAPE 25 (i.e. supply chain formulation), Biorefinery for Food, Fuel and Materials (i.e. case studies), Journals: Biomass & Bioenergy (i.e. model formulation and case studies) |
Planned secondment:
- Academic secondment 1: DTU (3 months) Appropriate integration of factors that affect sustainable design of biorefineries and use of biorenewables
- Academic secondment 2: NTUA (3 months) Integration of thermo-chemical paths with biochemical paths into supply chain model
- Industrial secondment 1: CIMV (2 months) Data collection, model validation, understanding of real-world practices, etc.
Risk assessment : Data collection phase, e.g. from T2.1, T2.3, WP5. |