Short CV
Centre for Research & Technology Hellas / Chemical Process and Energy Resources Institute (CERTH/CPERI)
Address: 52, Egialias str.,
GR-15125 Maroussi,
Athens, Greece
Mob.: +7-9158633010,
1986 born in Tambov, Russia
Tambov state technical university (TSTU), Russia
2003-2007: BSc in Techniques and Technology, with highest honors;
2007-2009: MSc in Techniques and, with highest honors;
2009-2012: PhD in «Devices and methods of environment, substances, materials and products control».
Grants and Fellowships
2005-2009: Tambov State Technical University annual scholarship for the best students;
2008: Scholarship of the Russian Federation President "for outstanding results in study and scientific research";
2007-2009: Laureate of Russian State UMNIK fellowship;
2011-2013: Development of scientific basis of solid-state technologies to produce a new class of composite materials of structural and functional purpose on the basis of polymers by modifying the polymer matrix and fillers, NSh-3550.2012;
2014 – present: RENESENG fellowship.
To develop and validate modelling, synthesis, integration and optimization technology addressing waste treatment paths and utilization of resulting biomass.
Current Status
A 3-D model of lignosellulosic biomass torrefaction process accounting for the heat transfer mechanism and chemical kinetics was developed.
Future 6-months Plan
Validation of the model against experimental data for intraparticle temperature profiles over a range of particle sizes and reaction temperatures.
a) DTU (Denmark): May, 1 - June, 30 "LCA analysis in biorenewable processes";
b) UoS (UK): July, 1 - August, 31 "Simulation tools for biogenic fuels treatment processes";
c) Bioenergy 2020+ (Austria): September, 1 - November, 31 "Processing technologies for biorefineries".
Publications - Conferences
E. Artiukhina, V. Kosov, C. Christodoulou, V. Zaichenko, P. Grammelis. "Torrefaction of pine wood pellets in a pilot moving bed reactor", submitted to Renewable Energy.
Fellow ER 5.1 |
Host institution CERTH PhD enrolment: N |
Duration 20 months |
Start date M6 |
Project title : Fuel and waste treatment reactor modeling and design. Work packages : WP1, WP2 , WP3, WP5. Supervisor name: Dr Panagiotis Grammelis/CERTH or someone with the same level of expertise and /or experience. |
- To develop and validate modelling, synthesis, integration and optimization technology addressing waste treatment paths and utilization of resulting biomass (residue and MSW biorefinery)
- To develop Software tool for the optimal integration of waste management and energy conversion in industrial processes, taking into account uncertainty parameters
- To participate in the completion of bio renewable workbooks
Tasks and methodology:
- Task 1 Modelling blocks and non-conventional units
- Task 2 Integration of waste treatment and energy conversion
- Task 3 Optimization of supply chains under uncertainties in technology and markets
- Task 4 Residue and MSW biorefinery
Results: D7.5 Workshops in Greece (1) Proceedings |
Dissemination: 1-3 publications in peer reviewed scientific journals, Participation in national and international conferences |
Planned secondment:
- DTU-2 months-LCA analysis in biorenewable processes
- BE2020-6 months-Processing technologies for biorefineries
- UoS-2 months-Simulation tools for biogenic fuels treatment processes
Risk assessment : Lack of data for supporting modeling and to the uncertainties and inaccuracy of the available tools and actual models. This lack of data will be countered with the parameterization of the models |